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Our projects

The work in Haiti is more than just the operation of the Orphanage, School and Church. It is a continual process of improving the community through special projects that support the primary missions of DHOS or impact the community directly. We have finished projects, ongoing projects and future projects all designed to enrich the community of Mombin Crochu

The well

Recently we completed the drilling of a new well for the mission. It has a solar powered pump that pumps the water into a cistern and is accessible to the entire community.

Solar power for the mission

An upcoming project, we plan to build a solar infrastructure to allow the mission to continue operating regardless of local power availability.

The Delauriers Clinic

Dr, Ben Delauriers recently graduated from medical school and is returning to Mombin Crochu, Haiti to establish a clinic for the community. Not only will this provide much needed low cost healthcare, it can also generate a small income for the mission.

worm's-eye view photography of concrete building
worm's-eye view photography of concrete building