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Matthew 25:40 (NIV) "...Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me."

The poor village of Mombin Crochu, Haiti continually faces hard times due to droughts and other natural disasters resulting in famine, outbreaks of diseases and malnutrition. This results in many deaths in the community and makes it very difficult for families to survive and provide the necessary nutrition and care for their children. There are scores of orphans and children who do not attend school because of the lack of funds, birth certificate or other problems.

Our mission is dedicated to helping disadvantaged and orphaned children like these by providing food, clothes, shelter, education, Christian development and love. This is being done through our free primary school, orphanage, community outreach programs and annual vacation Bible school that instills Christian ideals, promotes self confidence, and helps develop a positive attitude. Our objective is to give these children the opportunity to be educated and productive adults with Christian ideals, thus giving them hope for a better future and preventing them from possibly becoming a burden to their community.