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The story of the church in Mombin Crochu

I am Fred Chaley Delauriers from Mombin Crochu in Northeast Haiti. I grew up in a Christian family with three sisters and three brothers. I am the oldest. My father was a leader in the church since 1988 and became pastor of the church in1991 . When my father was preaching, the gospel it went in one ear and out the other.

Praise God I was still in the church building, but I was not a true Christian. It was a challenge for me to be baptized. In 2003 a team of missionaries come to my town to preach in church. A lady was praying for me to confess my sins and encouraging me to be baptized. I didn't listen. Later that same week a few other people were planning to be baptized and I just walked to the river and asked to be baptized.

Since that day I began to be involved in church, but I did not want my father to talk with me about being a pastor one day. My dad asked me several times when I was in high school if I wanted to go to bible college after high school. I always answered no. For myself I thought my father was crazy and I didn't even want to hear what he was talking about because I was thinking about agriculture. Right after my high school I went to agriculture college, but after two hard years in agriculture college I couldn't continue because I didn't have any money. I felt like life was done for me because I couldn't find a job. Life was hard at my Aunt's home in Port au Prince so I moved out and stayed in the street with other young people who didn't go to school. I applied for a Venezuelan free scholarship and received one. When I was getting ready to go to the embassy for my visa I couldn't find my passport. My passport was lost. When I went to immigration to get a new one the police told me to leave because my birth certificate was not registered. They told me my paper was fake. I left with nothing. That day I did not even have my birth certificate because the police took it from me for being a fake paper. I was crying and had to walk home because I couldn't afford a taxi .

In September, 2009, I went to church at Delmas 60 Port au prince with my aunt. After the sermon the pastor was calling people to Jesus. When I went forward the pastor told me he was calling people who didn't know Jesus, and he knew my dad was a pastor and I was always singing in church and had been in his church . I asked him to just pray for me because I felt God wanted to do something with me. Right after that I got home and called my father and told him I wanted go to Bible college. He laughed and then he called the mission and asked the mission to welcome me for Bible College. I began Bible college in September, 2009 and from that day my life completely changed.

Right after I started Bible college life was easier for me, but I saw some changes in my life. I found out when the miracle is closer to you, you may face harder timse in life. In my last year of college, six months before I graduated, I had an experience to sleep in the street with friends because I didn't have a place to stay. The next morning I asked the missionary for a place to stay because I was planning to stop then go in the countryside. The missionary gave a key to a room I could use, but the room did not have bed. After my graduation the missionary and a couple pastors called me in for a meeting. They wanted to send me to lead a church in Port au Prince at Delmas 31. I didn't feel ok because I felt it was not my call. I felt called to go to preach where other preachers didn't want to go.

After two weeks I left the church and I went to my father's place in the countryside. People called me crazy because I left a big church in a nice city to go where I would not find any help. I began to learn about faith those days because I was in the mountains daily praying so hard. Some times full days of prayers in the mountains.

I began to share the gospel house to house like the Jehovah Witnesses did. Eventually I met some children who were invited to church and began to read the Bible with them. Then I began to not only read to them, but also teach them school. Most of them were orphans .

From 2012 to 2022 I have had an orphans school with 200 kids. It is a free school where the Lord provides uniforms, a daily hot meal, and pays the teachers. Eleven young orphan boys also stay at the campus. During this time we have also planted seven churches.